Zazim and the new government - Survey results
A big thank you to the thousands of Zazim members who answered this survey. Your responses are already shaping the campaigns we’re planning and informing our strategy for the coming period - thanks! Let’s take a look at the results:
What best describes your sense of the new government?

Do you believe we can take action with this new government?

Here’s what you selected as the top priority issues:

The government’s current composition makes big wins possible in several societal sectors: transportation, education, the environment, economic aid, and more. And less so for issues at the heart of public debate, like the occupation. Where do you think we should focus?

Thank you for reading all the way through these results. To know that we can plan winning campaigns for equality and to advance Jewish-Arab partnership; to demand the resources and the demonstrated will to take on the climate crisis; we need support from our members. The majority of our budget comes from personal donations from members like you, and chipping in monthly allows us to plan for the long-term knowing we don’t have to worry month in and month out. Click here to support Zazim’s work with a monthly donation.