Stop Shooting Gazans


Gaza’s residents - now in the 11th year of Israel’s closure of the Gaza Strip - suffer from life-threatening shortages of water and electricity. They don’t have much recourse, other than to demonstrate and protest for their very lives. And when they do demonstrate,  they are shot and killed. We refuse to stay silent: yesterday we sent a letter signed by over 5,000 Zazim members to the General of the Southern Command, calling on him to stop shooting demonstrators in Gaza immediately. Tonight we joined hundreds of activists and organizations in Jaffa, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv to protest the killings. Our voice must be heard everywhere. [caption id="attachment_2811" align="aligncenter" width="500"]32548615_1754736837917920_8798152523450941440_o Zazim members demonstrating in Tel Aviv, 15.5.18[/caption]Two million Gazans are living in unbearable conditions, and it’s only becoming worse: only a couple hours of electricity a day, hospitals on the brink of total collapse, and nearly 97% of the water supply is not fit for drinking. For many, the only thing left to do is to demonstrate and fight for their right to live in freedom. The Israeli government's’ response has been horrifying. Only a loud cry can end the killing and stop the next command to shoot unarmed demonstrators.In difficult and violent times, the voice of our community is more necessary than ever. When faced with the racism and hatred of the extreme right, and with violence and killing in Gaza, our community raises a voice of justice and hope. We will continue to fight for a better, more just, and more equal future for us all.